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Shops in Bedburg
In Bedburg there are a lot of shops, for examples Real, Extra, Lidl and Aldi. These shops are supermarkets. But there are little shops in Bedburg, too. For examples Ihr- Platz or Schlecker!
Inhabitants can buy everything in the shops, like food, vegetables and drinks, like water….
But there are kiosks, too, where you can buy magazines or cigarettes.


The castle in Bedburg
In Bedburg there is a big castle! The “Bedburger Schloss”. A lot of people come to Bedburg and visit the castle! It is the most popular sight in Bedburg! In the castle there are a lot of events. Music groups and theatre groups play in the castle or you can celebrate your wedding. When a school year is over, the pupils can celebrate with their families and teachers!